Canone Inverso Making Love 2000 _HOT_ Download
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David selects the piece, the 'canone inverso' by Jano and Sophie, which he knows well, being one of the things his father left him. His friendship with Jeno and their musical collaboration go back to that time when his father left Prague, taking with him only the violin. They discover together that they are brothers and David withdraws from the competition, and Jeno gets the opportunity to participate in the concert with Sophie. The girl, just the day before she goes to the theatre with her husband, leaves her husband at the railway station with whom she was supposed to flee the country because of the antisemitic laws. Before the concert, in the dressing room, Jeno and Sophie are united in their only night of love. David and Sophie discover that being Jews, they were arrested by the Nazi SS. They stay in jail, but the two musicians manage to escape and then the two friends take refuge in a nearby house where they are sheltered until things calmer down.
Costanza learned the violin and fell in love with Jeno, but his family forbade him to see her. Jeno teaches the violin to David; between them, they play the violin and the 'canone inverso', which represents the roots of music. Jeno and Sophie were married and had a son; David was invited to play at a concert but could not go because of the war; he played the violin in a pub and fell in love with it. In the pub, Jeno and Sophie were reunited when they heard him play. After the war, David became the violin teacher for Jeno, his wife Sophie and their son. They all played together at the wedding of Jeno's sister. David fell ill. Jeno and Sophie came to visit him and looked after him through his illness, during the funeral of his mother, in the following January.
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