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Several of the male testers were astonished, then outraged. "The pain was sensational," said one. "The instrument vibrated for over 5 hours. I don't think I could have survived that long." AVOID Click here to watch THE FULL EPISODE!
The shrill screams and whinnying animals are accompanied by the whirring of aero-engines, the clash of metal on metal, the acrid smell of fumes. Immersed in high-G stress and adrenaline, you are detached from your immediate reality. Your eyes are shut and you feel disconnected with life. Only the relaxing hum of a deep-sea cruise gives your mind power to focus on the present. The main trade-off for your heightened senses is that you are unable to respond to threats while you are air-hibernating, so peripheral awareness fails. Specifically, you cannot detect anyone coming up at you from behind. This might sound like a boon in a video game, but "It's Harassing," said one player. "If anything comes from behind and hits my back, the pain of it is not there," he said. "One thing that I don't like is that it's in a simulated environment. I don't like that there's a large difference between how I perceive the real world and how I perceive this world."
In the 1990s, most SCUBA diving communities used mixed gases because it was cheaper. Popular gases included a mix of oxygen and trimix - pure oxygen mixed with trace amounts of helium and the inert gas nitrogen. But depending on the general purity of the oxygen source, the oxygen/helium mixture in mixed gas can be hazardous. Scientists have known since the 1960s that the tranquilliser effects of nitrous oxide depend on the oxygen content in the mix.
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