Download Kb2685811 For Windows 7l
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In my case, I have a Lenovo E460 laptop. Went and downloaded the USB 3.0 driver Lenovo has on their support site, and compared to the driver folder that came with the Intel utility, and they were exactly the same file size, down to the last bit. Worked great.
In general, it is a good idea anyway to integrate all of the updates mentioned here ( -to-make-an-updated-iso-with-windows-7-sp2-convenience-rollup-so-windows-update-works/) into the Windows 7 SP1 ISO (Servicing stack update, Platform Update, UMDF, KMDF, NVMe drivers, CPU microcode, Windows Update Client, RDP 8.1, IE11, and then Convenience Rollup). This will make sure that even the newest drivers that use Windows 8.1/Windows 10 driver SDKs will work. 153554b96e