Interpret Current Policy Legislation And Guidance Underpinning Person Centred Thinking And Plan [REPACK]
AdvocacyThe 2001 Valuing People policy takes a more people-centred approach to planning, making it more formal and widespread. It works to increase the number of individuals with learning difficulties and autism in paid employment, and seeks access to community life, and enabling them to manage their own finances through personal budgets.
4.11 Social care, and the provision of choice as part of the assessment and support planning process, is a way of protecting human rights. By providing options to the supported person the authority can facilitate greater choice and independence in managing the supported person's life. Human rights are core to independent living and core to the values of social work. They provide a legal and value base for setting priorities in policy and practice, as well as the delivery of services. They provide both a means of doing things, driven by human rights standards and principles. A wider human rights culture throughout the supported person's pathway will improve outcomes, person and outcome centred service delivery and decision making processes. 153554b96e