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[^11]: A hundred years later, after the discovery of quantum mechanics, the following sentence was written: “In the light of modern quantum mechanics this would be an obvious statement, but it is nonetheless, one which requires some explanation” [@bell].
[^12]: We are very grateful to a reviewer of ref. [@Cocciaro] for this remark.
[^13]: The case of a measurement of the quantum state of the system is quite different. In fact, the measurement has two effects: it disturbs the system, consequently it “erases” the [*cognitive*]{} information about the state, and it modifies the state in such a way that it is no more a quantum state but an observable in the new Hilbert space defined by the measurement.
[^14]: In this sense, the process of measurement is a kind of “measurement of the measurement”.
[^15]: Although in the general case the appearance of probabilities $p_n$ is not a trivial issue (see, e.g. [@Redhead; @vonNeumann]), in the case of spin operators, which are hermitian operators, can be normalized and the $p_n$ are just their eigenvalues. Then, the probability is just the square of the eigenvalue, which can be written as $p_n=|u_n|^2$.
[^16]: Einstein was also interested in the role of the observer in the measurement problem: “If the apparatus is in a definite state, the result of a measurement can be observed only by the person who performs the measurement. It is therefore possible to speak of the [*observer’s*]{} state and [*the state of the apparatus at the moment of the measurement*]{}. Clearly, the observer’s state is a mixture of two states, the state of the apparatus and an observer’s state” [@einstein]. is the Official Website and Fan-Page of the Apps APK. Our intent is to provide you with the latest version Apps APK for android, Android Games, Android Apps, Android Themes, Android Wallpapers, and so on. All apps APK content we add here is for home or personal use only. If any APK content infringes your copyright as the rightful owner, please contact us, we will delete it immediately. We don't give any APK download codes or download any APK content. You can find direct download links from the original site We only help out, we don't host any Apps APK.
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