T-Pain, Rappa Ternt Sanga Full [WORK] A
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You can tell that a conscious effort was made to make this album as mainstream as possible, and the result is that the album has a very un-rap feel. This is also what makes Rappa Ternt Sanga so disappointing to the rap fan. You feel like the effort was made to replicate the sounds of urban radio, and that wouldn't be so bad had the effort been focused on creating aural quality over quantity. In spite of its shortcomings, Rappa Ternt Sanga is a fun listen, and it's the kind of music that urban radio is going to play. T-Pain's ability to craft a strong hook makes the album worth the time and effort, and he's definitely going to benefit from the exposure. Just don't expect this to be your favorite album of the year. And if you're going to play it, make sure you play it loud.
Five years later, T-Pain is still trying to find his way. The most interesting moments come when he lets out a track with a more-than-predictable vocal sound. It's obvious he's giving it a shot, but it's also obvious how much time and effort he needs to put in to really get it right. Otherwise, his vocals become a slippery slope of unpredictable vocal treatment, of extended vocal runs, of unpredictable vocalisations, of unpredictable vocal stabs.
The album will be released in mid-October, but Rappa Ternt Sanga should be in stores much sooner. Fans of 90s R&B (especially Akon and R. Kelly) will enjoy this disc. More importantly, Rappa Ternt Sanga should inspire a much-needed resurrection of the old school.
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