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Update : Tomb Raider 2018 Full Version Game of the Year Edition is now available for purchase on VREX.com. You can also find the game on the VREX store. You need to manually edit the preferences file (found in ~/.local/share/feral-interactive/Tomb Raider/) and change the ExclusiveFullscreen option to 0. After this you should be able to successfully start the game (after which you may exit and revert that option to a 1 to restore fullscreen).
Update : If you want to make sure you don't miss any future updates to the game, you need to subscribe to the newsletter for the full version game of the year edition of the game. The newsletter will send you a notification a few days before the game launches, so you will know just to jump onto VREX and grab the game for $40. The newsletter also includes a word of warning, that the game's new exclusive fullscreen option (the feature that was introduced in this version) can sometimes cause graphical glitches during gameplay.
If you are using the Steam client and wish to play in windowed mode, exit the game and change the ~/.local/share/feral-interactive/Tomb Raider/config.ini file to set ExclusiveFullscreen to 1. Note that this may cause you to lose your saved game data (see link [12] ). This is not a bug, but a feature of the Feral Interactives launcher script.
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