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The women in my family, on the other hand, have loved it for generations. Our family has long been known for our love of Tolkien and we often say we are descended from a Hobbit. The women in my family can recite the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy by heart and no one is more passionate about Tolkien than my mother. She loved the books when she was young and they remained a beloved part of her life. Her bookshelves are filled to the gills with every Tolkien novel and any piece of published Tolkien material that she can lay her hands on.
As I entered high school, I had already outgrown the Trixie Belden series. I was looking for something else. I found it in a book called The Lord of the Rings . I read the first book in high school and loved it. I had never read a book that well-organized before, and I loved how each book was related to the others.
Books were my first love. I was only 3 when I started reading a young adult series, and my parents purchased it for me. I spent the next three years being given older books to read: I always wanted a younger sibling. My older sister was 2 when I was 6, and since we were both into reading, we introduced each other to the Trixie Belden series. These books are all about a 12-year old girl who is a ward of the court and has a mother who runs a boarding school. It was a great series. I loved it, and my sister loved it, and she has been a perpetual fan ever since. She even wrote an entire short story for Trixie in Book Three .
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