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Djcide Gibs
May 11, 2023
In OSAN AB apartment&villas
PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.2 + Crack: Free Download Link and Guide PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional is a powerful and versatile digital audio workstation (DAW) that allows you to record, produce, mix, master and perform music with ease and creativity. It offers a streamlined and intuitive workflow, a rich set of features and tools, and a seamless integration with PreSonus hardware and software. In this article, we will show you how to download PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.2 + Crack for free and install it on your computer. What is PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional? PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional is the latest version of the award-winning DAW that was released in March 2021. It builds on the previous versions with new and improved features, such as: A new Show Page that lets you create live performances with backing tracks, virtual instruments, effects and more. A new Score View that lets you view, edit and print music notation from any MIDI or Instrument track. A new Clip Gain Envelope that lets you adjust the gain of audio clips independently of the event volume. A new Listen Bus that lets you monitor through any plug-in without affecting the main output. A new Extended Mixer Scenes that lets you save and recall snapshots of your entire mixer state. A new Native Effects Plug-in Suite that includes new plug-ins such as Analog Delay, Rotor and Tricomp Multiband Compressor. An improved Ampire XT guitar amp/cabinet/pedalboard plug-in that offers faster preset switching and new models. An improved Browser that lets you search, preview and drag-and-drop content from anywhere on your computer or network. An improved Project Page that lets you master your songs with full automation, clip gain envelopes, listen bus and more. An improved User Interface that offers a dark mode, customizable colors, layouts and shortcuts. For more information about PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional, see Download Studio One 5.5.1 Professional [WiN] Plugin Crack. PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.2 + Crack Download Zip: How to Download PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.2 + Crack for Free? If you want to download PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.2 + Crack for free, you can use the torrent link provided below. The torrent file contains the installation file and the crack file that you need to activate the full version of the software. However, please note that downloading cracked software is illegal and may harm your computer or data. We do not recommend or endorse this method and we are not responsible for any consequences that may arise from using it. Use it at your own risk. To download PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.2 + Crack for free, follow these steps: Download a torrent client such as BitTorrent or qBittorrent and install it on your computer. Download the torrent file from PreSonus â Studio One 5 Professional 5.0.1 x64 - VST Torrent or PreSonus - Studio One Professional 5.2 x64 - VST Torrent - VST Crack ... and open it with your torrent client. Select a folder where you want to save the downloaded files and start the download process. Wait until the download is complete and then extract the files using a tool such as WinRAR or 7-Zip. e3ff22d237
Djcide Gibs
May 11, 2023
In OSAN AB Single House
Para Pc Gta San Andreas Descargar archivo - ¿Cómo descargar videos mp3 de forma rápida y fácil? Si te gusta escuchar música o podcasts en tu dispositivo móvil, seguramente te habrás encontrado con el problema de que no siempre tienes conexión a internet o suficiente espacio de almacenamiento. Una solución práctica y sencilla es descargar los videos mp3 que quieras y reproducirlos sin necesidad de estar conectado. Pero, ¿cómo hacerlo? Existen muchas aplicaciones y sitios web que te permiten descargar videos mp3 de forma gratuita y sin complicaciones. Sin embargo, no todos son seguros, rápidos o fáciles de usar. Por eso, en este artículo te vamos a mostrar el mejor descargador de videos mp3 que puedes encontrar en el mercado: Video2MP3. ¿Qué es Video2MP3? Video2MP3 es un descargador de videos mp3 online que te permite convertir cualquier video de YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram o cualquier otra plataforma a formato mp3 en cuestión de segundos. Solo tienes que copiar y pegar el enlace del video que quieras descargar, elegir la calidad y el formato de salida, y hacer clic en el botón de descargar. Así de fácil. ¿Qué ventajas tiene Video2MP3? Video2MP3 tiene muchas ventajas que lo hacen destacar sobre otros descargadores de videos mp3. Algunas de ellas son: Es gratuito y no tiene límites de descarga. Es rápido y eficiente. Puedes descargar videos mp3 en pocos segundos y sin perder calidad. Es seguro y confiable. No contiene virus, malware ni publicidad molesta. Es compatible con todos los dispositivos y sistemas operativos. Puedes usarlo desde tu ordenador, tu móvil o tu tablet. Es fácil de usar. No necesitas registrarte ni instalar nada. Solo necesitas una conexión a internet y un navegador web. ¿Cómo usar Video2MP3? Usar Video2MP3 es muy sencillo. Solo tienes que seguir estos pasos: Abre tu navegador web y entra en Copia y pega el enlace del video que quieras descargar en el campo de texto. Elije la calidad y el formato de salida que prefieras. Puedes elegir entre mp3, m4a, aac, flac, ogg o wav. Haz clic en el botón de descargar y espera unos segundos. Disfruta de tu video mp3 en tu dispositivo o compártelo con tus amigos. Conclusión Si buscas una forma rápida, fácil y segura de descargar videos mp3, Video2MP3 es la mejor opción que puedes encontrar. Con este descargador de videos mp3 online puedes convertir cualquier video a formato mp3 en cuestión de segundos y sin perder calidad. Además, es gratuito, compatible con todos los dispositivos y sistemas operativos, y no requiere registro ni instalación. ¿A qué esperas? Prueba Video2MP3 hoy mismo y disfruta de tu música favorita sin límites. 51271b25bf
Djcide Gibs
May 10, 2023
In OSAN AB apartment&villas
Como Desbloquear Pantalla De Inicio VERIFIED DESCARGAR ---> ¿Qué es Visual Studio Code y cómo usarlo para crear páginas web en HTML? Visual Studio Code es un editor de código fuente gratuito y multiplataforma desarrollado por Microsoft. Es una herramienta muy útil para los desarrolladores web, ya que ofrece varias características que facilitan la escritura, edición y depuración de código HTML. En este artículo, te explicaremos qué es Visual Studio Code, cómo instalarlo y configurarlo, y cómo usarlo para crear páginas web en HTML de forma rápida y sencilla. ¿Qué es Visual Studio Code? Visual Studio Code es un editor de código fuente que combina la simplicidad de un editor de texto con el poder de un entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE). Es decir, es una aplicación que te permite escribir y modificar código de forma cómoda y eficiente, pero también te ofrece funciones avanzadas como la autocompletación de código, el resaltado de sintaxis, el control de versiones, el depurador integrado, la terminal integrada, el soporte para extensiones y mucho más. Visual Studio Code es compatible con más de 50 lenguajes de programación, entre ellos HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby y C#. Además, se puede personalizar y ampliar mediante extensiones que añaden nuevas funcionalidades o mejoran las existentes. Algunas de las extensiones más populares para el desarrollo web son Live Server, Prettier, ESLint, Bootstrap 4 Snippets y HTML CSS Support. ¿Cómo instalar y configurar Visual Studio Code? Para instalar Visual Studio Code en tu ordenador, solo tienes que seguir estos pasos: Visita la página web oficial de Visual Studio Code y descarga el instalador correspondiente a tu sistema operativo (Windows, Mac o Linux). Ejecuta el instalador y sigue las instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla. Una vez instalado, abre Visual Studio Code y explora su interfaz. Verás que se compone de varias partes: la barra de menús, la barra de actividades, el panel lateral, el editor de código, el panel inferior y la barra de estado. Para configurar Visual Studio Code según tus preferencias, puedes acceder al menú Archivo > Preferencias > Configuración. Allí podrás cambiar aspectos como el tema, el tamaño y tipo de fuente, los atajos de teclado, las extensiones instaladas y otras opciones. ¿Cómo usar Visual Studio Code para crear páginas web en HTML? Para usar Visual Studio Code para crear páginas web en HTML, solo tienes que seguir estos pasos: Crea una carpeta en tu ordenador donde guardarás los archivos de tu proyecto web. Abre Visual Studio Code y abre la carpeta que acabas de crear mediante el menú Archivo > Abrir carpeta. Crea un nuevo archivo dentro de la carpeta con el nombre index.html. Este será el archivo principal de tu página web. Escribe el código HTML básico para tu página web. Puedes usar la autocompletación de código para ahorrar tiempo. Por ejemplo, si escribes ! y pulsas la tecla Tab, se generará automáticamente el esqueleto HTML básico. Añade el contenido y el estilo que quieras a tu página web. Puedes usar etiquetas HTML para definir la estructura y el significado del contenido (por ejemplo, para los encabezados, para los párrafos, para las imágenes, etc.) y atributos HTML para especificar propiedades adicionales (por ejemplo, src para indicar la fuente de una imagen, href para indicar el destino de un enlace, etc.). También puedes usar CSS para definir la apariencia y el diseño del contenido (por ejemplo, color para indicar el color del texto, font-family para indicar la familia tipográfica del texto, etc.). Guarda los cambios que hayas 51271b25bf
Djcide Gibs
May 10, 2023
In OSAN AB Single House
Como Desbloquear Pantalla De Inicio VERIFIED DESCARGAR ---> ¿Qué es Visual Studio Code y cómo usarlo para crear páginas web en HTML? Visual Studio Code es un editor de código fuente gratuito y multiplataforma desarrollado por Microsoft. Es una herramienta muy útil para los desarrolladores web, ya que ofrece varias características que facilitan la escritura, edición y depuración de código HTML. En este artículo, te explicaremos qué es Visual Studio Code, cómo instalarlo y configurarlo, y cómo usarlo para crear páginas web en HTML de forma rápida y sencilla. ¿Qué es Visual Studio Code? Visual Studio Code es un editor de código fuente que combina la simplicidad de un editor de texto con el poder de un entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE). Es decir, es una aplicación que te permite escribir y modificar código de forma cómoda y eficiente, pero también te ofrece funciones avanzadas como la autocompletación de código, el resaltado de sintaxis, el control de versiones, el depurador integrado, la terminal integrada, el soporte para extensiones y mucho más. Visual Studio Code es compatible con más de 50 lenguajes de programación, entre ellos HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby y C#. Además, se puede personalizar y ampliar mediante extensiones que añaden nuevas funcionalidades o mejoran las existentes. Algunas de las extensiones más populares para el desarrollo web son Live Server, Prettier, ESLint, Bootstrap 4 Snippets y HTML CSS Support. ¿Cómo instalar y configurar Visual Studio Code? Para instalar Visual Studio Code en tu ordenador, solo tienes que seguir estos pasos: Visita la página web oficial de Visual Studio Code y descarga el instalador correspondiente a tu sistema operativo (Windows, Mac o Linux). Ejecuta el instalador y sigue las instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla. Una vez instalado, abre Visual Studio Code y explora su interfaz. Verás que se compone de varias partes: la barra de menús, la barra de actividades, el panel lateral, el editor de código, el panel inferior y la barra de estado. Para configurar Visual Studio Code según tus preferencias, puedes acceder al menú Archivo > Preferencias > Configuración. Allí podrás cambiar aspectos como el tema, el tamaño y tipo de fuente, los atajos de teclado, las extensiones instaladas y otras opciones. ¿Cómo usar Visual Studio Code para crear páginas web en HTML? Para usar Visual Studio Code para crear páginas web en HTML, solo tienes que seguir estos pasos: Crea una carpeta en tu ordenador donde guardarás los archivos de tu proyecto web. Abre Visual Studio Code y abre la carpeta que acabas de crear mediante el menú Archivo > Abrir carpeta. Crea un nuevo archivo dentro de la carpeta con el nombre index.html. Este será el archivo principal de tu página web. Escribe el código HTML básico para tu página web. Puedes usar la autocompletación de código para ahorrar tiempo. Por ejemplo, si escribes ! y pulsas la tecla Tab, se generará automáticamente el esqueleto HTML básico. Añade el contenido y el estilo que quieras a tu página web. Puedes usar etiquetas HTML para definir la estructura y el significado del contenido (por ejemplo, para los encabezados, para los párrafos, para las imágenes, etc.) y atributos HTML para especificar propiedades adicionales (por ejemplo, src para indicar la fuente de una imagen, href para indicar el destino de un enlace, etc.). También puedes usar CSS para definir la apariencia y el diseño del contenido (por ejemplo, color para indicar el color del texto, font-family para indicar la familia tipográfica del texto, etc.). Guarda los cambios que hayas 51271b25bf
Djcide Gibs
May 10, 2023
In OSAN AB Single House
Cuphead Pc Espanol LINK >>> ¿Cómo quitar la marca de agua de un PDF? Las marcas de agua son imágenes o textos que se superponen a un documento PDF para indicar su origen, autoría o estado. A veces, pueden resultar molestas o innecesarias, y queremos eliminarlas para tener un documento más limpio y profesional. ¿Cómo podemos hacerlo? Existen diferentes métodos para quitar la marca de agua de un PDF, dependiendo del tipo de marca de agua y del programa que usemos. Algunos de los más comunes son: Usar un editor de PDF: Hay programas que nos permiten modificar el contenido de un PDF, incluyendo las marcas de agua. Podemos usarlos para seleccionar y borrar la marca de agua manualmente, o para aplicar una nueva capa blanca sobre ella que la oculte. Algunos ejemplos de editores de PDF son Adobe Acrobat, PDFelement o Inkscape. Usar una herramienta online: Si no queremos instalar ningún programa en nuestro ordenador, podemos recurrir a una página web que nos ofrezca el servicio de quitar la marca de agua de un PDF. Solo tenemos que subir el archivo, esperar a que se procese y descargar el resultado. Algunas páginas web que ofrecen este servicio son PDFdu, PDFaid o Smallpdf. Usar una impresora virtual: Otra opción es imprimir el PDF con una impresora virtual que nos genere un nuevo archivo sin la marca de agua. Para ello, tenemos que elegir la opción de imprimir el PDF y seleccionar como destino una impresora virtual, como Microsoft Print to PDF o CutePDF Writer. Luego, podemos guardar el nuevo archivo en la ubicación que queramos. Estos son algunos de los métodos más sencillos y efectivos para quitar la marca de agua de un PDF. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que algunos documentos PDF pueden tener restricciones de seguridad que impidan modificarlos o imprimirlos. En ese caso, tendremos que usar algún programa o página web que nos permita desbloquear el PDF antes de quitar la marca de agua. ¿Por qué usar marcas de agua en un PDF? Las marcas de agua pueden tener diferentes funciones en un documento PDF. Algunas de las más habituales son: Proteger los derechos de autor: Las marcas de agua pueden servir para indicar quién es el creador o propietario de un documento PDF, y evitar que otras personas lo copien o distribuyan sin su permiso. Por ejemplo, podemos poner nuestro nombre, logo o firma como marca de agua. Indicar el estado del documento: Las marcas de agua también pueden servir para señalar si un documento PDF está terminado o no, o si tiene alguna condición especial. Por ejemplo, podemos poner las palabras "Borrador", "Confidencial" o "Urgente" como marca de agua. Añadir un toque personal o estético: Las marcas de agua también pueden tener una función decorativa o expresiva, y darle un aspecto más original o atractivo a un documento PDF. Por ejemplo, podemos poner una imagen, un dibujo o una cita como marca de agua. ¿Cómo crear marcas de agua en un PDF? Si queremos añadir una marca de agua a un documento PDF, podemos usar alguno de los métodos que hemos mencionado antes para quitarla, pero al revés. Es decir, podemos usar un editor de PDF, una herramienta online o una impresora virtual para insertar una imagen o un texto como marca de agua en el PDF. También podemos usar programas específicos para crear marcas de agua, como Watermark Studio o Star Watermark. A la hora de crear una marca de agua en un PDF, hay que tener en cuenta algunos aspectos, como: La posición y el tamaño: Podemos elegir si queremos que la marca de agua aparezca en el centro, en las esquinas o en los bordes del PDF, y qué tamaño queremos que tenga. También podemos ajustar la rotación y la alineación de la marca de agua. La transparencia y el color: Podemos elegir qué grado de opacidad queremos que tenga la marca de agua, para que se vea más o menos sobre el contenido del PDF. También podemos elegir el color o los colores que queremos que tenga la marca de agua. La frecuencia y el orden: Podemos elegir si queremos que la marca de agua aparezca en todas las páginas del PDF o solo en algunas, y en qué orden queremos que se superponga con el contenido del PDF. Por ejemplo, podemos poner la marca de agua detrás o delante del texto e imágenes del PDF. 51271b25bf
Djcide Gibs
May 09, 2023
In OSAN AB apartment&villas
Download TRAIN SIMULATOR 2021 PC Game 2009 CLICK HERE ===> The simulators consist of route and session editors called Surveyor, and the Driver module, that loads a route and lets the player operate and watch the trains run, either in "DCC" mode, which simulates a bare-bones Digital Command Control (DCC) system for the simple stop-and-go of a basic model railway, or "CAB" mode, which simulates real-world physics and adds working cab controls. The simulators are supported by a large library of freeware assets which can be downloaded from the N3V servers, referred to as Download Station (DLS). Unless users purchase a First Class Ticket with real money, download speeds for the DLS (both in Content Manager and directly through File Transfer Protocol on the Trainz website) are throttled, which tends to be a point of contention in the Trainz community. PaintShed is a simple program for aiding and easing the process of 'reskinning' traincars, altering their livery, by recoloring and adding new heraldry to Trainz locomotives and other rolling stock. The Content Manager (CM) module is a Windows program that allows management of the in-game database files. It was renamed under the name of Content Manager Plus (CMP) in TRS2006. Trainz Railway Simulator 2006 (known as Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006 in the USA), or TRS2006, was a transitional release, incorporating the stable Auran JET based TRS2004 GUI modules with only some graphics improvements, but introducing the data base manager Content Manager Plus (CMP) as a new core technology. ContentManager.exe (now called just CM) combines data base management, and secure FTP upload and download facilities and special user definable filters all in one integrated system. By defining a good filter, the user could 'selectively not see' the clutter of regional items in the Surveyor asset selection menus saving user time when world building. This important filtering feature was further improved in Trainz 2009, becoming far more powerful and easier to use. In addition to these improvements, several new routes were included, such as Hawes Junction (representing a small section of the Settle and Carlisle Railway and serving as a demo for TC3), Toronto Rail Lands 1954 (representing Toronto's sprawling railyard in 1954), and Marias Pass Approach (representing the BNSF Marias Pass line between Shelby, Montana and Cut Bank, Montana and serving as a demo for the full Marias Pass payware route). TRS2006 was published in September 2005, and the base release with its single service pack formed the core of the regional releases (most are joint ventures with 'Trainz Partners' combining payware content provider's products with the base Trainz software) over the next four years until the introduction of new technologies in TC3 and TRS2009. In Germany, it was published by Bluesky-Interactive, as ProTrain Perfect.[citation needed] The content from Trainz Classics 1 and 2 were later released as built-content for TS2009 and TS2010, and can be downloaded from the DLS for all future games. Trainz Classics 3 was re-released as an expansion pack for all subsequent games as the Settle & Carlisle Route, with extra content added from the original release (some of the Mark 1 coaches in BR Blue were also included by default in these versions due to being used in the consists of trains on the built-in East Coast Main Line routes). Released in 2008, Trainz Simulator 2009 now has improved Surveyor capabilities and a new skin; the version contains the first actual software game engine advances that harnessed the increased RAM and video card memory asset utilizations and was theTS2009/10 also support the new specs, additionally they support DXT graphic compression transparently, and multi-core processors which the earlier versions did not. When running under a 64 bit operating system these programs can use 4 gigs of memory, TC3 and earlier versions are limited to 2 gigs of memory To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Trainz, N3V Games released a Trainz app for the iPad on 4 December 2010. Users can lay tracks, drive trains. Users have access to Driver and Surveyor and can create routes and drive trains with the help of tutorials. An Android version of the game was released on 22 July 2011 and has the same features as the iPad version. The app is a port of Trainz Simulator 2009. My First Trainz Set was designed for the younger generation who do not want to worry about realism or management when playing the Trainz game. The game features 4 locations to lay track in that are based on rooms throughout a house, such as a bedroom or kitchen. The user has the ability to place down small toy-like objects in the replacement of buildings and scenery. However, its graphical quality of the trains, track, and objects is still very much like that of the standard Trainz simulator games. Controls are also far more simplified. The game was also ported to Android devices. On 11 May 2018, N3V Games announced a new version of Trainz featuring better graphics, Physically-Based Rendering, Parallax Occlusion Mapping[26] and more content than ever before.[27] Early Access was made in July 2018 and the game was officially launched 7 January 2019. It is also the first entry in the series since TRS2006 to feature the "Trainz Railroad Simulator" moniker. Possibly to avoid confusion with "Train Simulator" by Dovetail Games. The game uses whole-game DRM[28] in all versions, whereas certain versions of Trainz: A New Era could be purchased and run offline. This requires that the game is connected to the internet at least once a month in order for the game and content to continue functioning. TRS19 is primarily being offered as subscription model, although a one-time purchase (but with the monthly DRM check still required) is also available via the Trainz Store and Steam. It also has the ability to download content from the Download Station (DLS) while in the game; though without the purchase of so-called "first class tickets" (limited-duration speed upgrades) the download speed is severely throttled. A port of Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 for mobile devices was released around August 2021. The game currently comes with 4 routes, one of them being based on a fictional high-speed line in Sweden used by the ETR 1000, an Italian high-speed train. The line is most likely based on the Swedish SJ X2000 high-speed trainset used between Copenhagen and major cities in Sweden such as Stockholm, Malmö or Göteborg. Another route involves the Rocky Mountains featuring the Rocky Mountaineer, and some CSX freighters. Despite the game not having a route based in China, there are Chinese trains available for purchase such as the SS4, an electric locomotive used for cargo operations [30] The next major release of Trainz was announced in November 2021, with preorders starting December 1. This major release will start on November 31, 2021.Routes included in the base game besides Kickstarter County 2 from TRS2019 include: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe announced the PlayStation 3 Slim, a smaller and lighter model of the console and a release date of 1 September 2009. Firmware 3.0 for the PlayStation 3 was also announced, adding new features to the PlayStation Network. Sony announced that the European Video Store would launch in November 2009. Sony also announced that the PlayStation Portable would get smaller games (under 100mb) in the form of 'minis' and that comics would also be available to download in December 2009. A "free game" registration promotion was announced for the PSP Go. Model-based simulation systems have been created in various fields of engineering to train personnel or students in operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of complex devices and systems. A review of literature indicates a lack of good overviews of the approaches to system design of model-based training simulations in Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction (ICAI). Though single systems have to some extent been evaluated with regard to their performance, an organised evaluation, especially a comparative evaluation of the systems that have been created within the field is lacking. To be able to successfully conduct an in-depth review under these conditions, we concentrate and centre our review around the design of the domain simulator component and its implications for the other parts of instructional system. For this purpose we have identified features that are in our opinion suitable to characterise the design approach of a model-based simulation in ICAI for training. We have organised these design features in a framework to enable an effective review. Within this framework, we investigate each feature separately and illustrate it by giving examples from existing applications where appropriate. 781b155fdc
Djcide Gibs
May 08, 2023
In OSAN AB Single House
SILICON RISING Download PC Game LINK ->>> Compare prices with to find the cheapest cd key for SILICON RISING PC. Head over to one of the trusted game stores from our price comparison and buy cd key at the best price. Use the indicated client to activate key and download and play your game. All shops featured on will deliver your game immediately after the payment has been approved. This will be either in the form of direct download or PC key - depending on the store of your choice. After you activate key on a corresponding platform, you will be able to download and play your game for free. If you don't know how to activate the key, check out the tutorials section on the bottom of the page. Exclusive to %(platform)s and prepared with game developers and publishers, Ninja Packs can contain downloadable items, currencies, starter packs, discounts for games, hardware or gamer clothing, and sometimes even full games. One of the items is always a Ninja Krowns bonus, which allows you to reclaim some of the coins spent on the pack or get much more. The first key highlight is that Wolfenstein: Youngblood is getting support for NVIDIA's RTX including Ray Tracing and DLSS at CES 2020. Added as a part of a free downloadable patch, the game will let you enjoy better quality visuals with RTX on while DLSS would help improve performance without compromising on image quality. In December 2012, Nintendo extended their ownership on the Eternal Darkness trademark for the fifth time, indicating that the company still had interest in the property.[61] Any chances for a sequel, at least under Silicon Knights, were terminated on May 9, 2013, after Silicon Knights filed for bankruptcy, closed its office, and sold off its equipment.[62] Nevertheless, Nintendo reregistered its trademark later on July 29 with a new document that indicated that it might be a downloadable game. When asked about this by GameSpot, Nintendo declined to answer.[63] In the summer of 2020, after years of neglect and with no word of any plans for future installments, the game's trademark was declared \"abandoned\" by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office;[64] soon after Nintendo has renewed the game's trademark as of July 31, 2020, with the mention of \"video game cartridges\", differing from previous trademarks.[65] As of September 30, 2013, Shadow of the Eternals was delayed indefinitely due to lack of funding on Kickstarter.[78][79] The Escapist commented: \"What seemed like a fairly obvious slam-dunk sequel to a classic game has instead been a circus of multiple failed crowdfunding campaigns, child pornography, and outright lack of faith in the developers. It certainly must be a discouraging experience for everyone involved, but that's the double-edged blade of crowdfunding: the crowds occasionally [do] not want your game\".[80] Kyle Hilliard of Game Informer wrote: \"Despite good intentions, and the excitement surrounding the prospect of a sequel to Eternal Darkness, Shadow of the Eternals has been plagued with issues since its original announcement. It's disappointing, but not too surprising that Precursor has decided to put the game on hold. I would still like to see the final game someday, but I am not confident that we will be seeing or even hearing from the game anytime soon\".[81] That 48GB Titanfall install was 'only' a 21GB download, though, meaning it was heavily compressed. So why don't more games do that An educated guess: it was only the fact that Titanfall's large install size was mostly audio that made it possible to compress it to 21GB in the first place. It's those pesky textures again. We've established that textures have been the biggest contributor to the overall increase of game sizes, and as Hanish said, textures can't be too heavily compressed. Unfortunately, they also can't be heavily compressed during download and then transcoded at install time, because that process \"is extremely CPU and memory intensive and must really be performed in the studio,\" says Hanish (adding later that \"some flavors of dds are much more intense than others to transcode\"). That's not to say that compression doesn't occur (Steam itself compresses games and decompresses them after download, Gibson tells me). Nor does it mean developers don't take pains to decrease download sizes. It just isn't practical for every type of data, and isn't nearly as vital as it used to be. 2D games and intentionally low-poly, flatly-textured games will continue keeping the low bar low. Stardew Valley, for instance, is only a 462MB download. But Forza Motorsport 7 is a 96.5GB download, and there's no sign that the upper bar is going to stop rising. If you are having an M1 Mac computer, you will be glad to know that it is now possible to stream and play Xbox Game Pass games on the same machine. All you have to do is download Android Studio for your Mac and have an Xbox Game Pass subscription with xCloud streaming available in your region. However, there are some steps you need to know first to use Android Studio on your Mac computer. So, in this guide, I will explain to you how to play Xbox Game Pass games on your M1 Mac computers below. You can also play PC games on your M1 Mac computers. You just have to download and install the Parallels Desktop application on your M1 Mac, install Windows 10 on Mac using Boot Camp Assistant, and launch the game on your macOS. Below you can check out the list of PC games that are compatible with the M1 Mac: 781b155fdc
Djcide Gibs
May 08, 2023
In OSAN AB Single House
Waves 11 Complete V18.10.2020 Waves 11 Complete V18.10.2020 >> News Issues Interviews Order About Follow Support Submit Contact MONU 17-10-22 // NEW ISSUE: MONU #35 - UNFINISHED URBANISM Order a copy of MONU #35 here. (browse the entire issue #35 on Youtube) To Be Finished Is to Be Dead - Interview with Mark Wigley by Bernd Upmeyer; Overdesign Is a Problem Too by Marco Enia and Flavio Martella; The Perks and Quandaries of Coming Undone a Conversation with Akoaki; The Unfinished City: Approaches for Embracing an Open Urbanism by Nick Dunn and Dan Dubowitz; The Architectural Non-finito and the Death of the “Architect” by Wijdane Esseffah; Incompleteness and Play by Ana Morcillo Pallares; Roadside Picnic - Remote Detour around the World’s Unfinished Nuclear Power Plants by Paul Cetnarski; Unsettled by Isabelle Pateer; California City by Elian Somers; Suspended Urbanities: The Spatiality of Unfinished Architectures in Naples by Maria Reitano and Nikolaus Gartner; Stranded in Limbo: 25 Unfinished Structures by MARS at PBSA; Concrete Sprouts and Unfinished Urban Dreams by Avsar Gürpinar, Nur Horsanal, and Cansu Cürgen; The ‘Unfinished’ City of Mumbai by Rupal Rathore; Hellas by Maarten Willemstein; Becoming Unstuck: Streets as Gardens, with the Disposition for Ongoing Experimentation by Dan Hill; Unfinishedness, a Practice - Interview with (Arno Brandlhuber and Olaf Grawert) by Bernd Upmeyer; Unfinishedness as a Transcategorial Condition of Abandonment by Tiphaine Abenia; The Unfinished Interior by Marcello Carpino and Vittoria Poletto; The Temporal City by Ian Nazareth and David Schwarzman; Ordos by Anthony Reed “To Be Finished Is to Be Dead” claims Mark Wigley in our interview with him. Because only an unfinished city is a city that is open to unknown and unpredictable transactions and that is what cities are for. To him, urbanism is only urbanism to the extent that it is unfinished and “Unfinished Urbanism” an urgent call in an age of a pandemic and of predictability, both of which are killing us. According to Marco Enia and Flavio Martella a living city can actually never be finished, because by their very nature cities are unfinished organisms. As long as they are home to a living community, cities will constantly readjust to meet its needs and desires and only stop changing when they start to decay and vice versa. “Unfinishedness” allows for complex forms of appropriation and participation, creating a stronger bond with the city as they state in their contribution “Overdesign Is a Problem Too”. Thus, only with an open urbanism that is intentionally incomplete can we design cities that are equitable and sustainable as Nick Dunn and Dan Dubowitz describe the idea in their piece “The Unfinished City: Approaches for Embracing an Open Urbanism”. If cities are overly finished and too confined they stagnate and exclude, sharpening further existing inequalities while simultaneously using up precious resources, which is ludicrous in an era of climate emergency. To avoid this we need to support the creativity of the authentic (the “uncompleted”) as opposed to the rampant creativity of the exact (the completed) explains Ana Morcillo Pallares in her article “Incompleteness and Play”. She recalls an ethos pushed by a cohort of Italian architects and designers active from the late 1960s through the 1970s who were known as the Italian Radical Architecture and who tried to overcome the urbanistic failures of the “completed” plans of the 20th century through talking, listening and social practice. However, following the arguments of Paul Cetnarski in his piece “Roadside Picnic - Remote Detour around the World’s Unfinished Nuclear Power Plants” we reached a point in our civilisation where certain elements of our built environment cannot be erased, making “Unfinished Urbanism” more of a burden than an achievement. As a result, the uncertainty of “unfinishedness” can endanger the lives and existences of people in urban areas too as Isabelle Pateer shows in her photo-essay “Unsettled” in which she investigates the evolution of the Antwerp harbour expansion zone in Belgium illustrating how the inhabitants, their environment and surroundings, as well as their social fabric are affected by these large alterations. Therefore, “Unfinished Urbanism” can cause many problems too, especially when architectures become abandoned ruins within construction sites waiting for someone to finish them as Maria Reitano and Nikolaus Gartner point out in “Suspended Urbanities: The Spatiality of Unfinished Architectures in Naples”. They argue that when no urban strategies deal with such unfinished architectures – which has been referred to as “Incompiuto” and even as a new Italian architectural style - they become inaccessible, turning into spatial gaps, interruptions within the urban fabric and the peri-urban landscape, and fragmenting the urban public space. Yet Maarten Willemstein, in his series of images entitled “Hellas”, shows similar unfinished architectures, though in Greece. He does not want to present them merely as dilapidated buildings, but as echoes of the old classical Greek temples and as structures that are at the beginning of their ‘life’, neither as abandoned ruins nor at the end of their existence providing hope for a possible future. Such optimism when it comes to ‘ruins’ is shared by (Arno Brandlhuber and Olaf Grawert), who introduce “Unfinishedness, a Practice” in our second interview: the possibility of a new urban regulation that does not differentiate between office, housing, or commercial functions anymore, but considers buildings as so-called ‘intelligent ruins’ that are thought, designed, and built in a way to be adapted and reused in the future, enriching the discussion on architecture and “unfinishedness” on a legislative level. Through such functional resistance, Tiphaine Abenia sees a hopeful disconnection and an invitation to reconcile “unfinishedness” with a practice of freedom. Like Willemstein she is not interested in the aesthetical fascination and romanticising of decay, which tends to freeze the phenomenon into a necrotic image, but in the dynamic process inherent in abandonment. In other words, she is interested in its “unfinishedness” as she declares in “Unfinishedness as a Transcategorial Condition of Abandonment”. Consequently, “Unfinished Urbanism” might further reconcile the known and the unknown as Ian Nazareth and David Schwarzman conclude in their contribution “The Temporal City” creating spaces in which people according to Anthony Reed and his contribution “Ordos” might feel estranged but never lost. Bernd Upmeyer, Editor-in-Chief, October 2022 (Cover: Image is part of Ana Morcillo Pallares’s contribution “Incompleteness and Play” on page 39. Photograph by Riccardo Dalisi (Courtesy of Archivio Dalisi / Napoli, Italy) Music: Limahl - Never Ending Story, Video editing: Danae Zachariaki) This issue is supported by The Berlage - The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design; Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA): Urban Studies MSc; KU Leuven’s Master of Human Settlements and Master of Urbanism, Landscape and Planning; Rotterdam’s Independent School for the City: Dirty Old Town; Learning From Rotterdam - A Unique 12-week Post Graduate Education Programme; and Incognita’s Architecture Trips: Discover Eastern European Architecture and Urbanism. Find out more about MONU's supporters in Support. 18-10-21 // MONU #34 - PROTEST URBANISM Order a copy of MONU #34 here. (browse the entire issue #34 on Youtube) Learning from Protests - Interview with Mabel O. Wilson by Bernd Upmeyer; Be Water: Protests in Liquid Public Space by Jeffrey Hou; Ambiguous Standards of Protest by Cansu Cürgen and Avsar Gürpinar; The Archive of Public Protests by APP; Toppling Monuments: Moments of Monumentality by Ben Parry; Not Set in Stone by Maddy Weavers; The Empty Plaza: A Socio-spatial Post-occupancy Evaluation by Dillon Webster; The Different Scales of Solidarity by Ece Yetim; Khaos by Ulrich Lebeuf; Three Squares on a Line: Istiklal Avenue and Its Transition from State to Citizen by Liana Kuyumcuyan; The Magic of Squatting - Interview with Hans Pruijt by Bernd Upmeyer; Protest Repellant Urbanism by Nurul Azreen Azlan; 'TO-BE' Urbanism by Becky Luk and Ching Kan; Revolution Now! by Bing Guan; Contested Urban Identities: Branding and Antagonism in the City of Porto by Ana Miriam Rebelo and Heitor Alvelos; \"The Street Is Ours\": Feminine Urban Reclamation by Cécile Houpert; We Are What We Are: Chicago and the Paradox of Protests by Aaron Kalfen and Benjamin van Loon; Objects and Spaces of Dissidence by Mario Matamoros; From Barrio Bolaños (back) to Comuna Bolaños Pamba by Sebastián Oviedo, Jeroen Stevens, and Viviana d'Auria Even though our social media age marks a shift in form and forum, when it comes to \"Protest Urbanism\" there still seems to be a need for - and validity of - having physical bodies in a public space in order for a protest to have an effect, as Mabel O. Wilson argues in our interview \"Learning from Protests\". Bodies occupying large spaces or marching through different types of arteries, be it streets or freeways, still appear to be central tactics for people engaging in political protest. It is the visceral encounters in physical spaces that trigger deeper and more emotional connections as Jeffrey Hou states in his contribution \"Be Water: Protests in Liquid Public Space\". For Cansu Cürgen and Avsar Gürpinar physicality matters too as they demonstrate in their piece \"Ambiguous Standards of Protest\", introducing real objects of protest into the discussion, such as bananas, hoodies,
Djcide Gibs
May 08, 2023
In OSAN AB Single House
Deep Impact YIFY Click Here >> A seven-mile-wide space rock is hurtling toward Earth, threatening to obliterate the planet. Now, it's up to the president of the United States to save the world. He appoints a tough-as-nails veteran astronaut to lead a joint American-Russian crew into space to destroy the comet before impact. Meanwhile, an enterprising reporter uses her smarts to uncover the scoop of the century. 781b155fdc
Djcide Gibs
May 08, 2023
In OSAN AB apartment&villas
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